The second Friday of December is Purple Friday. A day where we try to convince as many non-queer identifying people as possible to show support by wearing something purple. Will you?
Are you a LGBTI+ youth under 19 or are you still unsure but want to come into contact with other LGBTI+ youth with fun activities? Check out Jong&Out Delft.
From 16 to 28 years old you are welcome at Outsite, our youth group with a weekly barnight on Thursday, filled with activities and parties. We host a kennismakingsgroep twice a year, where you spend 9 weeks getting to know a group of queer people your age and the queer community.
There is also an active queer nightlife scene. DWH has its own weekly open bar in Delft and there are regular parties. There are lots of trips, organised by and for our members, to Pann in Utrecht, Popcake festival or Pride in different cities.
Are you an employee of TU Delft? Check the page of TrueU; this is the queer network of TU employees, who works on improving acceptance and inclusion at the university.