DWH has been designated a public benefit institution (in Dutch: algemeen nut beogende instelling or ANBI) by the tax authority. An ANBI should have certain information available on their website. For convenience, we have collected them all on this page. This English version is provided as an extra convenience, the official version is the Dutch page.
Delftse Werkgroep Homoseksualiteit (D.W.H.)
The shortened name of the association is DWH.
Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer
RSIN: 807864250
DWH is thé association by and for LGBTI+ people in Delft that looks out for the LGBTI+ community and their needs in this city and independently promotes the emancipation and awareness of LGBTI+ people. DWH does this as much as possible in collaboration with other organisations at a local, national and international level.
The vision of the association is as follows:
- DWH fights hetero normativity and promotes the acceptation and itegration of LGBTI+ lifestyles;
- DWH stimulates societal discussion, awareness and change on issues of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenders;
- DWH creates a friendly and safe environment as a basis for LGBTI+ emancipation;
- DWH involves as many people as possible, inside and outside the association, with participation and organisation of its activities;
- DWH connects people. Specifically also the various subgroups in the association.
Recompense policy
The board members as well as other volunteers at DWH are unpaid. The board does have the means to provide compensation to members and volunteers for costs they incurred because of the association, which is done in accordance with the budget and reasonable bounds of good faith and fair dealing as it is commonly done in broader society. In practice only expenses claims pertaining to tasks performed in service of DWH are compensated. By the statutes of DWH the consent of the general assembly is required for starting, changing or terminating employment contracts.
Report of past activities
For a report of past activities we refer the reader to our annual report. Each year DWH creates and approves an annual report which contains among other things an account of completed activities over the preceding year. The most recent such report can be found here:
Policy plan
For the policy plan we refer the reader to the annual plan. The most recent annual plan can be found here:
Financial account
For a financial account we refer the reader to the annual account. Each year DWH creates and approves the annual account in which the financial report and account of the preceding year is recorded.