DWH is fully dependent on its volunteers. Every year there are more than a 100 volunteers active in DWH. Our volunteers organize a lot of activities, bartend, give education in schools, and so much more. Would you like to be a volunteer? Approach us in the bar or send us an email at [email protected]
By becoming a member you support us in the things that we find important, like the introduction groups, education at secondary schools, the movie night, the bar nights and all other activities at DWH.
As a member you receive the magazine from DWH: the Andersblad, and you can join the EatingOUT where you can enjoy a cheap and delicious meal.
More information and signup form can be found by following this link,
By donating you can support DWH financially. Extra funds could always be put to good use to organize more activities for the LGBTI+ community, offering a meeting place for LGBTI+ people, giving education on schools and so much more.
You can donate by transferring money to IBAN: NL75 INGB 0003 2492 37 t.n.v. DWH ledenadministratie. If you want to gift yearly and put it on paper you can fill in the form below and send it to [email protected]. By also filling out the direct debit (incasso) form the donation can be done automatically every year.
Tax deduction
The Delftse Werkgroep Homoseksualiteit (DWH) has an ANBI (public benefit institution) status. Under certain conditions your donation might be tax deductible. For the exact conditions for which this tax deduction applies we refer to the website of the Dutch tax authorities.
For any further questions about donating to DWH please send us a mail to [email protected].
Andersblad advertising
The Andersblad is the magazine of DWH. It has 3 issues every year (at the end of April, Agusust and December). The Andersblad is always full of great articles, opinion pieces, photos and much more. The magazine is distributed among all our members and our many partners. There are always more than 300 copies produced for every issue.
There are opportunities for you to advertise in our magazine. Send an email to [email protected] for the current rates and options.